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제목 LP debate : Donald Trump is not just a joke... 등록일 2016.05.14 03:59
글쓴이 (Editor) 조회 944

Donald Trump is not a joke. He has more than Newtgingich's colonizing the moon policy. Donald has not been just a joke from the first time in the US presidential candidacy competence in the view of libertarians though he is not endorsed by the libertarian master, Ron Paul. Donald is no more just a joke now but still with joke...

To the question of " What's going to be happening in the White House if Donal Trump is elected as the US President?", there is an answer : "The White House will be TRUMP HOUSE!!!" Of course it will be, for it is now President Obama's residential house as you know now. But "TRUMP HOUSE" means like Go-Stop house as you know.

What are those joke nuances? They are joke? But they can be a sort of bringing up realities.
The former Republican Presidential candidate, Mitt Romey condemned Donald as a joker, and is trying to make a third party instead of Donald's Republican Party.
Libertarians  condemn his third party possibilities, even as nuts officially.
Libertarians are pointing out that his agenda is too late.

Now, the problem to Libertarians is that bunch of Never Trump Conservatives are trying to be loaded on the libertarian ballot for their nominee positions.
Libertarians have been minorities officially in US, but the Party is the only third one likely to have ballot access in all 50 states come the fall this year...

- On going -

By an Editor of / Copyrighted by WONMEDIA       '

(20160513_나눔고딕문제- NanumBarunGothic  ).jpg

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